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Meet The Family

The Robertsons

Poppies Farm has been in the family since 1972.  It was part of a much larger farm owned by Jo’s father. When the original farm sold in 1988 Poppies Farm land was retained by the family and Poppies Farm was born! 


Farmer  Steve

Farmer Steve is a builder by trade, has built our farm infrastructure and as you will see it is still growing! Our classroom is next on the building schedule and Steve oversees the growing site plan of our glorious farm. Steve is also our Dexter Beef farmer, breeding and growing our cattle herd.  Without Steve's expertise and business acumen the Farm would still be a dream. 


Farmer Jo

Farmer Jo is responsible for the day to day running of the farm. Jo is also is the holistic facilitator. Jo has spent the last 30 years working with children and animals and brings her teaching expertise to the farm. Jo's passion and love of sharing animal husbandry and farm life with children and young adults is a true vocation.


Farmer Lilli

Farmer Lilli is the farms right hand!  Still attending Berkshire College of Agriculture, Lilli helps out with all aspects of farm life when she can.  She has her own flock of North Ronaldsay Sheep and is very involved in the Lambing season.  In the haymaking season Lilli is invaluable, driving the tractors, trailers and telehandler, a real farmer’s daughter.


Farmer George

Farmer George is more interested in the Business side of Farming. Still in full time education studying a BETCH in Business Studies, George hopes to go to University.  During the show season, George is key in showing the Rams as his calm nature seems to rub off on them!


We really are a family enterprise.


High Herd Health


Poppies Farm is dedicated to producing top quality produce. We rear native British breeds, British Lop and Berkshire Pigs and Soay, North Ronaldsay Boraray and Herdwick sheep. Award winning pedigree suckling herd of Dexter, British White and Wagyu cross Dexter cattle.

  High herd health - all our animals are bred and kept to a high standard.

All of our animals are pedigree, free range, roaming naturally around the farms grounds. The difference between pedigree beef and general shop bought Beef: Beef generally purchased from a shop will say 'Angus' 'Highland' 'Wagyu' 'Herford' etc as the breed of beef that the produce has come from.  If you look carefully at the small print, it will also say something like ' produce of cows sired by pedigree bulls'. This generally means that the female was a non-beef breed and that the male was a pedigree beef breed.  This allows you to purchase less expensive beef as they will have been barn reared on feed and grain rather than on pasture. Our beef is from a pedigree suckling herd of Dexter, British White and Wagyu cattle. This means that the female is a beef breed, the male is a beef breed and that the calves stay with their mother in the fields for a minimum of a year. 


This makes for a happy farmer and a happier herd.

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